Structural Concrete: Footings


We have now started the structural concrete phase of the project. Activity during concrete varies quite widely: As footings are dug (per the photo above), rebar is laid out, and forms are assembled, operations will be relatively light. Material delivery days will be slightly more active, whereas concrete pours will be significantly more involved. On such days, we’ll have more manpower and machinery deployed.

We’ll be updating these pages far more regularly in the coming months to provide members of the community ample notice of the level of activity we anticipate at the site. We encourage those interested in the latest information to check the website or subscribe to auto-updates (available on the homepage). 

We’ll be expecting our first rebar delivery on Monday March 22nd and a second on Wednesday March 24th. The first pour is tentatively scheduled for Friday the 26th. We’ll provide additional updates once the material is received and subsequent construction tasks are scheduled.


Material Delivery Update


Site Prep for Concrete